cum bagi arme noi si codul lor
!!!!Luati Aminte!!!!!!
Scris de PaulTheDark
.Pasul 1. Deschizi Navicat
Arrow Pasul 2. Itri In sectiunea PLeyer
Arrow Pasul 3. Cauti Tabelul Item_Proto
Arrow Pasul 4.Downloadezi
Arrow Pasul 5. te duci in colt la File si dupaia pe Query tabel
Arrow Pasul 6. Copiezi tot ce este Query (ce ai downloadat)si in fereastra care ai deschis-o(Query Tabel)
Arrow Pasul 7. Apesi pe Run si Astepti pana se termina Apoi Inchizi Si Salvezi
Arrow Pasul 8. Dai Rebot sau ./stop apoi ./start
Arrow Pasul 9. Downloadezi Asta
Arrow Pasul 10. Pui ce era in Arhiva Pack in Pack din client
Arrow pasul 11. Itri in joc si te joci
Codurile Itemelor:
310-319 -> Thor's Hammer
320-329 -> Dragon Sword
330-339 -> Dexonschwert
340-349 -> Elias blade
350-359 -> sword of Goliath
360-369 -> Neoplythklinge
370-379 -> Senshiklinge
380-389 -> ghost sword
390-399 -> Titanium Sword
400-409 -> Crescent Blade
410-419 -> Exothekenaxt
420-429 -> Nypthonschwert
430-439 -> Holy Hornaxt
440-449 -> Excalibur
450-459 - "Devil's club
460-469 -> Elven Sword
470-479 -> Großbreitschwert
500-509 -> ox tooth blade
510-519 -> Metal Blade Plate
520-529 -> execution blade
530-539 -> Amoradolche
540-549 -> Dartiolpicke
550-559 -> Katanaschwert
560-569 -> Two-iron blade
570-579 -> devil dragon bell
900-909 -> leg
910-919 -> Zin-daggers
3230-3239 -> Tribal Sword
3240-3249 -> Zin-blade
7220-7229 -> moonbeams sword
7230-7239 -> Dragon Blade Heart
7500-7509 -> Buster Sword
8030-8039 -> Demoncial bow
8040-8049 -> arc of anger
8050-8059 -> arch of the sky
8060-8069 -> Supreme bow
8080-8089 -> Aqua Knife
8090-8099 -> Desert Sword
9010-9019 -> Angry bell
9030-9039 -> Broadsword of the Black